Here are what some have to SAY!

  • "I like that I can tell people how i feel without talking."

    —ABBY W (9)

  • “The Speak as Yourself sweatshirts have been unbelievably helpful for my daughters. When my daughter gets overwhelmed and overstimulated, she has been able to easily communicate this with us through the sweatshirt. By being able to clearly understand how she is doing we have avoided emotional explosions and we’ve all been much more emotionally regulated. The Speak as Yourself clothing brings communication to my child at the times when communication is the toughest. This is amazing."

    — Leah Halpert

  • “[The kids] were over the moon for the hoodies. It’s something that we are so happy to have been able to provide to them and it’s because of you that it was possible."

    — Serina, Family Solutions