Here is how you can help us and other SAY!

  • Tell Others about us!

    The biggest way anyone can help is by sharing our project with others. If you know someone that has difficulty communicating or even just has a hard time feeling safe and secure, please, help us reach them. Either have them reach out to us, let us know if they would rather we reach out to them. Just letting them know of our website so they can see what they can SAY! is a huge help and we thank you so much just for letting others know about us.

  • Provide us feedback!

    Is there a way you feel like our project could help you or someone you know even better? feel free to let us know. The only way we can make sure the needs of people are being met is if they help us know what those needs are. Don’t be afraid if your idea seems silly. If it could help, we definitely want to know. This can be anything from a new patch option, to a whole new product. We are starting with sweaters, but if there are other ways to help people SAY!, we thank you for considering to share your thoughts.

  • Donate to the cause

    We do not want to openly ask for money, but if you feel like the best way you could help is to provide financial aid, we will graciously accept and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Along with that thanks, we will promise you, every dollar will go to the operation of the project and to providing sweaters to those that need them. If you need more specific information, please feel free to send us an email at